
Thursday, January 22, 2009

ExPharm (Pharmacology experiment software)

The software is aimed at helping the UGs understand, remember and recall drug actions. The package contains four programs :

1. Rabbit - Effects drugs on the rabbit eye
2. Heart - Effects of drugs on the frog heart
3. Ileum - Bioassay of histamine on the guinea-pig ileum
4. Oesophagus - Effects of drugs on the frog oesophagus

The above programs can simulate drug actions. The user can conduct experiments and collect data. Each program can be run in two modes (a) Tutorial mode (b) Examination mode
Drugs can be chosen (from a list drugs available) and administered. The effect is displayed in animated sequences for realistic simulation. All programs are menu driven and user friendly. The entire package is mouse operable and the need to use key board is minimal.

In tutorial mode, drugs administered are known whereas unknown drugs are given in examination mode. The student has to identify the unknown drug(s). Examination mode which available only in ver E1.00 can be used for conducting examinations.

ExPharm will be helpful for UGs doing a course in Pharmacology. The software can be used for Medical and Dental UGs and also for the students of paramedical courses such as nursing, pharmacy, medical laboratory technology and physiotherapy.
This software is NOT a DEMO package. It has fully functional and usable modules.Installation :
Download all nine files into a single directory in your hard disk. Run 'setup.exe' to install the software.
You can download and use version T1.00 and use it without any restrictions.
To download go to http://ampiweb.org/indphar/epwin.htm

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